<?php /** * Pterodactyl - Panel * Copyright (c) 2015 - 2017 Dane Everitt <dane@daneeveritt.com>. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ use Pterodactyl\Models\Service; use Pterodactyl\Models\ServiceOption; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema; use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint; use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration; class MigrateToNewServiceSystem extends Migration { protected $services; /** * Run the migrations. * * @return void */ public function up() { $this->services = Service::where('author', 'ptrdctyl-v040-11e6-8b77-86f30ca893d3')->get(); $this->minecraft(); $this->srcds(); $this->terraria(); $this->voice(); } /** * Reverse the migrations. * * @return void */ public function down() { // Not doing reversals right now... } public function minecraft() { $service = $this->services->where('folder', 'minecraft')->first(); if (! $service) { return; } // Set New Default Startup $service->startup = 'java -Xms128M -Xmx{{SERVER_MEMORY}}M -jar {{SERVER_JARFILE}}'; DB::transaction(function () use ($service) { $options = ServiceOption::where('service_id', $service->id)->get(); $options->each(function ($item) use ($options) { switch($item->tag) { case 'vanilla': $item->config_startup = '{"done": ")! For help, type ", "userInteraction": [ "Go to eula.txt for more info."]}'; $item->config_files = '{"server.properties":{"parser": "properties", "find":{"server-ip": "", "enable-query": "true", "server-port": "{{server.build.default.port}}", "query.port": "{{server.build.default.port}}"}}}'; $item->config_logs = '{"custom": false, "location": "logs/latest.log"}'; $item->config_stop = 'stop'; break; case 'spigot': $item->startup = null; $item->config_from = $options->where('tag', 'vanilla')->pluck('id')->pop(); $item->config_files = '{"spigot.yml":{"parser": "yaml", "find":{"settings.restart-on-crash": "false"}}}'; break; case 'bungeecord': $item->config_startup = '{"done": "Listening on ", "userInteraction": [ "Listening on /"]}'; $item->config_files = '{"config.yml":{"parser": "yaml", "find":{"listeners[0].query_enabled": true, "listeners[0].query_port": "{{server.build.default.port}}", "listeners[0].host": "{{server.build.default.port}}", "servers.*.address":{"": "{{config.docker.interface}}", "localhost": "{{config.docker.interface}}"}}}}'; $item->config_logs = '{"custom": false, "location": "proxy.log.0"}'; $item->config_stop = 'end'; break; case 'sponge': $item->startup = null; $item->config_from = $options->where('tag', 'vanilla')->pluck('id')->pop(); $item->config_startup = '{"userInteraction": [ "You need to agree to the EULA"]}'; break; default: break; } $item->save(); }); $service->save(); }); } public function srcds() { $service = $this->services->where('folder', 'srcds')->first(); if (! $service) { return; } $service->startup = './srcds_run -game {{SRCDS_GAME}} -console -port {{SERVER_PORT}} +ip -strictportbind -norestart'; DB::transaction(function () use ($service) { $options = ServiceOption::where('service_id', $service->id)->get(); $options->each(function ($item) use ($options) { if ($item->tag === 'srcds' && $item->name === 'Insurgency') { $item->tag = 'insurgency'; } else if ($item->tag === 'srcds' && $item->name === 'Team Fortress 2') { $item->tag = 'tf2'; } else if ($item->tag === 'srcds' && $item->name === 'Custom Source Engine Game') { $item->tag = 'source'; } switch($item->tag) { case 'source': $item->config_startup = '{"done": "Assigned anonymous gameserver", "userInteraction": []}'; $item->config_files = '{}'; $item->config_logs = '{"custom": true, "location": "logs/latest.log"}'; $item->config_stop = 'quit'; break; case 'insurgency': case 'tf2': $item->startup = './srcds_run -game {{SRCDS_GAME}} -console -port {{SERVER_PORT}} +map {{SRCDS_MAP}} +ip -strictportbind -norestart'; $item->config_from = $options->where('name', 'Custom Source Engine Game')->pluck('id')->pop(); break; case 'ark': $item->startup = './ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer TheIsland?listen?ServerPassword={{ARK_PASSWORD}}?ServerAdminPassword={{ARK_ADMIN_PASSWORD}}?Port={{SERVER_PORT}}?MaxPlayers={{SERVER_MAX_PLAYERS}}'; $item->config_from = $options->where('name', 'Custom Source Engine Game')->pluck('id')->pop(); $item->config_startup = '{"done": "Setting breakpad minidump AppID"}'; $item->config_stop = '^C'; break; default: break; } $item->save(); }); $service->save(); }); } public function terraria() { $service = $this->services->where('folder', 'terraria')->first(); if (! $service) { return; } $service->startup = 'mono TerrariaServer.exe -port {{SERVER_PORT}} -autocreate 2 -worldname World'; DB::transaction(function () use ($service) { $options = ServiceOption::where('service_id', $service->id)->get(); $options->each(function ($item) use ($options) { switch($item->tag) { case 'tshock': $item->startup = null; $item->config_startup = '{"done": "Type \'help\' for a list of commands", "userInteraction": []}'; $item->config_files = '{"tshock/config.json":{"parser": "json", "find":{"ServerPort": "{{server.build.default.port}}", "MaxSlots": "{{server.build.env.MAX_SLOTS}}"}}}'; $item->config_logs = '{"custom": false, "location": "ServerLog.txt"}'; $item->config_stop = 'exit'; break; default: break; } $item->save(); }); $service->save(); }); } public function voice() { $service = $this->services->where('folder', 'voice')->first(); if (! $service) { return; } $service->startup = null; DB::transaction(function () use ($service) { $options = ServiceOption::where('service_id', $service->id)->get(); $options->each(function ($item) use ($options) { switch($item->tag) { case 'mumble': $item->startup = './murmur.x86 -fg'; $item->config_startup = '{"done": "Server listening on", "userInteraction": [ "Generating new server certificate"]}'; $item->config_files = '{"murmur.ini":{"parser": "ini", "find":{"logfile": "murmur.log", "port": "{{server.build.default.port}}", "host": "", "users": "{{server.build.env.MAX_USERS}}"}}}'; $item->config_logs = '{"custom": true, "location": "logs/murmur.log"}'; $item->config_stop = '^C'; break; case 'ts3': $item->startup = './ts3server_minimal_runscript.sh default_voice_port={{SERVER_PORT}} query_port={{SERVER_PORT}}'; $item->config_startup = '{"done": "listening on", "userInteraction": []}'; $item->config_files = '{"ts3server.ini":{"parser": "ini", "find":{"default_voice_port": "{{server.build.default.port}}", "voice_ip": "", "query_port": "{{server.build.default.port}}", "query_ip": ""}}}'; $item->config_logs = '{"custom": true, "location": "logs/ts3.log"}'; $item->config_stop = '^C'; break; default: break; } $item->save(); }); $service->save(); }); } }