import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { Form, Formik, FormikHelpers } from 'formik'; import { object, string } from 'yup'; import getTwoFactorTokenData, { TwoFactorTokenData } from '@/api/account/getTwoFactorTokenData'; import enableAccountTwoFactor from '@/api/account/enableAccountTwoFactor'; import { Actions, useStoreActions } from 'easy-peasy'; import { ApplicationStore } from '@/state'; import FlashMessageRender from '@/components/FlashMessageRender'; import Field from '@/components/elements/Field'; import tw from 'twin.macro'; import Button from '@/components/elements/Button'; import asModal from '@/hoc/asModal'; import ModalContext from '@/context/ModalContext'; import QRCode from 'qrcode.react'; import CopyOnClick from '@/components/elements/CopyOnClick'; interface Values { code: string; } const SetupTwoFactorModal = () => { const [ token, setToken ] = useState<TwoFactorTokenData | null>(null); const [ recoveryTokens, setRecoveryTokens ] = useState<string[]>([]); const { dismiss, setPropOverrides } = useContext(ModalContext); const updateUserData = useStoreActions((actions: Actions<ApplicationStore>) => actions.user.updateUserData); const { clearAndAddHttpError } = useStoreActions((actions: Actions<ApplicationStore>) => actions.flashes); useEffect(() => { getTwoFactorTokenData() .then(setToken) .catch(error => { console.error(error); clearAndAddHttpError({ error, key: 'account:two-factor' }); }); }, []); const submit = ({ code }: Values, { setSubmitting }: FormikHelpers<Values>) => { setPropOverrides(state => ({ ...state, showSpinnerOverlay: true })); enableAccountTwoFactor(code) .then(tokens => { setRecoveryTokens(tokens); }) .catch(error => { console.error(error); clearAndAddHttpError({ error, key: 'account:two-factor' }); }) .then(() => { setSubmitting(false); setPropOverrides(state => ({ ...state, showSpinnerOverlay: false })); }); }; useEffect(() => { setPropOverrides(state => ({ ...state, closeOnEscape: !recoveryTokens.length, closeOnBackground: !recoveryTokens.length, })); return () => { if (recoveryTokens.length > 0) { updateUserData({ useTotp: true }); } }; }, [ recoveryTokens ]); return ( <Formik onSubmit={submit} initialValues={{ code: '' }} validationSchema={object().shape({ code: string() .required('You must provide an authentication code to continue.') .matches(/^(\d){6}$/, 'Authenticator code must be 6 digits.'), })} > {recoveryTokens.length > 0 ? <> <h2 css={tw`text-2xl mb-4`}>Two-factor authentication enabled</h2> <p css={tw`text-neutral-300`}> Two-factor authentication has been enabled on your account. Should you lose access to your authenticator device, you'll need to use one of the codes displayed below in order to access your account. </p> <p css={tw`text-neutral-300 mt-4`}> <strong>These codes will not be displayed again.</strong> Please take note of them now by storing them in a secure repository such as a password manager. </p> <pre css={tw`text-sm mt-4 rounded font-mono bg-neutral-900 p-4`}> { => <code key={token} css={tw`block mb-1`}>{token}</code>)} </pre> <div css={tw`text-right`}> <Button css={tw`mt-6`} onClick={dismiss}> Close </Button> </div> </> : <Form css={tw`mb-0`}> <FlashMessageRender css={tw`mb-6`} byKey={'account:two-factor'}/> <div css={tw`flex flex-wrap`}> <div css={tw`w-full md:flex-1`}> <div css={tw`w-32 h-32 md:w-64 md:h-64 bg-neutral-600 p-2 rounded mx-auto`}> {!token ? <img src={''} css={tw`w-64 h-64 rounded`} /> : <QRCode renderAs={'svg'} value={token.image_url_data} css={tw`w-full h-full shadow-none rounded-none`} /> } </div> </div> <div css={tw`w-full mt-6 md:mt-0 md:flex-1 md:flex md:flex-col`}> <div css={tw`flex-1`}> <Field id={'code'} name={'code'} type={'text'} title={'Code From Authenticator'} description={'Enter the code from your authenticator device after scanning the QR image.'} /> {token && <div css={tw`mt-4 pt-4 border-t border-neutral-500 text-neutral-200`}> Alternatively, enter the following token into your authenticator application: <CopyOnClick text={token.secret}> <div css={tw`text-sm bg-neutral-900 rounded mt-2 py-2 px-4 font-mono`}> <code css={tw`font-mono`}> {token.secret} </code> </div> </CopyOnClick> </div> } </div> <div css={tw`mt-6 md:mt-0 text-right`}> <Button>Setup</Button> </div> </div> </div> </Form> } </Formik> ); }; export default asModal()(SetupTwoFactorModal);