. * * This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ namespace Tests\Unit\Services\Schedules\Tasks; use Mockery as m; use Tests\TestCase; use Pterodactyl\Models\Task; use Pterodactyl\Models\Server; use Pterodactyl\Models\Schedule; use Pterodactyl\Exceptions\DisplayException; use Pterodactyl\Contracts\Repository\TaskRepositoryInterface; use Pterodactyl\Services\Schedules\Tasks\TaskCreationService; use Pterodactyl\Exceptions\Service\Schedule\Task\TaskIntervalTooLongException; class TaskCreationServiceTest extends TestCase { /** * @var \Pterodactyl\Contracts\Repository\TaskRepositoryInterface */ protected $repository; /** * @var \Pterodactyl\Services\Schedules\Tasks\TaskCreationService */ protected $service; /** * Setup tests. */ public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->repository = m::mock(TaskRepositoryInterface::class); $this->service = new TaskCreationService($this->repository); } /** * Test that a task is created and a model is returned for the task. * * @dataProvider validIntervalProvider */ public function testTaskIsCreatedAndModelReturned($interval, $value, $final) { $schedule = factory(Schedule::class)->make(); $task = factory(Task::class)->make(); $this->repository->shouldReceive('create')->with([ 'schedule_id' => $schedule->id, 'sequence_id' => 1, 'action' => $task->action, 'payload' => $task->payload, 'time_offset' => $final, ], false)->once()->andReturn($task); $response = $this->service->handle($schedule, [ 'time_interval' => $interval, 'time_value' => $value, 'sequence_id' => 1, 'action' => $task->action, 'payload' => $task->payload, ]); $this->assertNotEmpty($response); $this->assertInstanceOf(Task::class, $response); $this->assertEquals($task, $response); } /** * Test that no new model is returned when a task is created. */ public function testTaskIsCreatedAndModelIsNotReturned() { $schedule = factory(Schedule::class)->make(); $this->repository->shouldReceive('withoutFreshModel')->withNoArgs()->once()->andReturnSelf() ->shouldReceive('create')->with([ 'schedule_id' => $schedule->id, 'sequence_id' => 1, 'action' => 'test', 'payload' => 'testpayload', 'time_offset' => 300, ], false)->once()->andReturn(true); $response = $this->service->handle($schedule, [ 'time_interval' => 'm', 'time_value' => 5, 'sequence_id' => 1, 'action' => 'test', 'payload' => 'testpayload', ], false); $this->assertNotEmpty($response); $this->assertNotInstanceOf(Task::class, $response); $this->assertTrue($response); } /** * Test that an ID can be passed in place of the schedule model itself. */ public function testIdCanBePassedInPlaceOfScheduleModel() { $this->repository->shouldReceive('withoutFreshModel')->withNoArgs()->once()->andReturnSelf() ->shouldReceive('create')->with([ 'schedule_id' => 1234, 'sequence_id' => 1, 'action' => 'test', 'payload' => 'testpayload', 'time_offset' => 300, ], false)->once()->andReturn(true); $response = $this->service->handle(1234, [ 'time_interval' => 'm', 'time_value' => 5, 'sequence_id' => 1, 'action' => 'test', 'payload' => 'testpayload', ], false); $this->assertNotEmpty($response); $this->assertNotInstanceOf(Task::class, $response); $this->assertTrue($response); } /** * Test exception is thrown if the interval is greater than 15 minutes. * * @dataProvider invalidIntervalProvider */ public function testExceptionIsThrownIfIntervalIsMoreThan15Minutes($interval, $value) { try { $this->service->handle(1234, [ 'time_interval' => $interval, 'time_value' => $value, ]); } catch (DisplayException $exception) { $this->assertInstanceOf(TaskIntervalTooLongException::class, $exception); $this->assertEquals(trans('exceptions.tasks.chain_interval_too_long'), $exception->getMessage()); } } /** * Test that exceptions are thrown if the Scheudle module or ID is invalid. * * @dataProvider invalidScheduleArgumentProvider * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException */ public function testExceptionIsThrownIfInvalidArgumentIsPassed($argument) { $this->service->handle($argument, []); } /** * Provides valid time intervals to be used in tests. * * @return array */ public function validIntervalProvider() { return [ ['s', 30, 30], ['s', 60, 60], ['s', 90, 90], ['m', 1, 60], ['m', 5, 300], ]; } /** * Return invalid time formats. * * @return array */ public function invalidIntervalProvider() { return [ ['m', 15.1], ['m', 16], ['s', 901], ]; } /** * Return an array of invalid schedule data to test aganist. * * @return array */ public function invalidScheduleArgumentProvider() { return [ [123.456], ['string'], ['abc123'], ['123_test'], [new Server()], [Schedule::class], ]; } }