
return [
    | Laravel translations path
    | The default path where the translations are stored by Laravel.
    | Note: the path will be prepended to point to the App directory.

    'langPath' => '/resources/lang',

    | Laravel translation files
    | You can choose which translation files to be generated.
    | Note: leave this empty for all the translation files to be generated.

    'langFiles' => [],

    | Output file
    | The javascript path where I will place the generated file.
    | Note: the path will be prepended to point to the App directory.
    'jsPath' => '/resources/lang/i18n',
    'jsFile' => '/resources/lang/locales.js',

    | i18n library
    | Specify the library you use for localization.
    | Options are vue-i18n or vuex-i18n.
    'i18nLib' => 'vuex-i18n',