@extends('layouts.admin') @section('title') {{ $node->name }}: Settings @endsection @section('content-header')
Character limits: a-zA-Z0-9_.- and [Space] (min 1, max 100 characters).
Please enter domain name (e.g node.example.com) to be used for connecting to the daemon. An IP address may only be used if you are not using SSL for this node. Why?
In most cases you should select to use a SSL connection. If using an IP Address or you do not wish to use SSL at all, select a HTTP connection.
If you are running the daemon behind a proxy such as Cloudflare, select this to have the daemon skip looking for certificates on boot.
If the node is marked as 'Under Maintenance' users won't be able to access servers that are on this node.
Enter the total amount of memory available on this node for allocation to servers. You may also provide a percentage that can allow allocation of more than the defined memory.
Enter the total amount of disk space available on this node for server allocation. You may also provide a percentage that will determine the amount of disk space over the set limit to allow.
Enter the maximum size of files that can be uploaded through the web-based file manager.
The daemon runs its own SFTP management container and does not use the SSHd process on the main physical server. Do not use the same port that you have assigned for your physical server's SSH process.
Resetting the daemon master key will void any request coming from the old key. This key is used for all sensitive operations on the daemon including server creation and deletion. We suggest changing this key regularly for security.