@extends('layouts.master') @section('title') Create New Subuser @endsection @section('content')
Allows user to start server.
Allows user to stop server.
Allows user to restart server. A user with this permission can stop or start a server even without the above permissions.
Allows user to kill server process.
Allows sending a command from the console. If the user does not have stop or restart permissions they cannot send the application's stop command.
Allows user to list all files and folders on the server but not view file contents.
Allows user to open a file for viewing only.
Allows user to save modified file contents.
Allows user to create a new file within the panel.
Allows user to upload files.
Danger Allows user to delete files from the system.
Danger Allows user to download files. If a user is given this permission they can download and view file contents.
Allows user to view all subusers assigned to the server.
Allows user to view specific subuser permissions.
Allows user to modify permissions for a subuser. They will not have permission to modify themselves.
Allows a user to create a new subuser.
Allows a user to delete a subuser.
Allows user to set the default connection used for a server as well as view avaliable ports.
Allows user to view the startup command and associated variables for a server.
Allows a user to modify startup variables for a server.
Allows user to view the server's SFTP information (not the password).
Allows user to change the SFTP password for the server.