import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import Modal, { RequiredModalProps } from '@/components/elements/Modal'; import { Field as FormikField, Form, Formik, FormikHelpers, useFormikContext } from 'formik'; import { boolean, object, string } from 'yup'; import Field from '@/components/elements/Field'; import FormikFieldWrapper from '@/components/elements/FormikFieldWrapper'; import useFlash from '@/plugins/useFlash'; import createServerBackup from '@/api/server/backups/createServerBackup'; import FlashMessageRender from '@/components/FlashMessageRender'; import Button from '@/components/elements/Button'; import tw from 'twin.macro'; import { Textarea } from '@/components/elements/Input'; import getServerBackups from '@/api/swr/getServerBackups'; import { ServerContext } from '@/state/server'; import FormikSwitch from '@/components/elements/FormikSwitch'; import Can from '@/components/elements/Can'; interface Values { name: string; ignored: string; isLocked: boolean; } const ModalContent = ({ ...props }: RequiredModalProps) => { const { isSubmitting } = useFormikContext<Values>(); return ( <Modal {...props} showSpinnerOverlay={isSubmitting}> <Form> <FlashMessageRender byKey={'backups:create'} css={tw`mb-4`} /> <h2 css={tw`text-2xl mb-6`}>Create server backup</h2> <Field name={'name'} label={'Backup name'} description={'If provided, the name that should be used to reference this backup.'} /> <div css={tw`mt-6`}> <FormikFieldWrapper name={'ignored'} label={'Ignored Files & Directories'} description={` Enter the files or folders to ignore while generating this backup. Leave blank to use the contents of the .pteroignore file in the root of the server directory if present. Wildcard matching of files and folders is supported in addition to negating a rule by prefixing the path with an exclamation point. `} > <FormikField as={Textarea} name={'ignored'} rows={6} /> </FormikFieldWrapper> </div> <Can action={'backup.delete'}> <div css={tw`mt-6 bg-neutral-700 border border-neutral-800 shadow-inner p-4 rounded`}> <FormikSwitch name={'isLocked'} label={'Locked'} description={'Prevents this backup from being deleted until explicitly unlocked.'} /> </div> </Can> <div css={tw`flex justify-end mt-6`}> <Button type={'submit'} disabled={isSubmitting}> Start backup </Button> </div> </Form> </Modal> ); }; export default () => { const uuid = ServerContext.useStoreState(state =>!.uuid); const { clearFlashes, clearAndAddHttpError } = useFlash(); const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false); const { mutate } = getServerBackups(); useEffect(() => { clearFlashes('backups:create'); }, [visible]); const submit = (values: Values, { setSubmitting }: FormikHelpers<Values>) => { clearFlashes('backups:create'); createServerBackup(uuid, values) .then(async backup => { await mutate( data => ({!, items: data!.items.concat(backup), backupCount: data!.backupCount + 1 }), false, ); setVisible(false); }) .catch(error => { clearAndAddHttpError({ key: 'backups:create', error }); setSubmitting(false); }); }; return ( <> {visible && ( <Formik onSubmit={submit} initialValues={{ name: '', ignored: '', isLocked: false }} validationSchema={object().shape({ name: string().max(191), ignored: string(), isLocked: boolean(), })} > <ModalContent appear visible={visible} onDismissed={() => setVisible(false)} /> </Formik> )} <Button css={tw`w-full sm:w-auto`} onClick={() => setVisible(true)}> Create backup </Button> </> ); };