import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import tw from 'twin.macro'; import useFlash from '@/plugins/useFlash'; import AdminContentBlock from '@/components/admin/AdminContentBlock'; import FlashMessageRender from '@/components/FlashMessageRender'; import Spinner from '@/components/elements/Spinner'; import getVersion, { VersionData } from '@/api/admin/getVersion'; const Code = ({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) => { return ( <code css={tw`text-sm font-mono bg-neutral-900 rounded`} style={{ padding: '2px 6px' }}> {children} </code> ); }; export default () => { const { clearFlashes, clearAndAddHttpError } = useFlash(); const [ loading, setLoading ] = useState<boolean>(true); const [ versionData, setVersionData ] = useState<VersionData | undefined>(undefined); useEffect(() => { clearFlashes('overview'); getVersion() .then(versionData => setVersionData(versionData)) .catch(error => { console.error(error); clearAndAddHttpError({ key: 'overview', error }); }) .then(() => setLoading(false)); }, []); return ( <AdminContentBlock title={'Overview'}> <div css={tw`w-full flex flex-row items-center mb-8`}> <div css={tw`flex flex-col flex-shrink`} style={{ minWidth: '0' }}> <h2 css={tw`text-2xl text-neutral-50 font-header font-medium`}>Overview</h2> <p css={tw`text-base text-neutral-400 whitespace-nowrap overflow-ellipsis overflow-hidden`}>A quick glance at your system.</p> </div> </div> <FlashMessageRender byKey={'overview'} css={tw`mb-4`}/> <div css={tw`flex flex-col w-full rounded-lg shadow-md bg-neutral-700`}> { loading ? <div css={tw`w-full flex flex-col items-center justify-center`} style={{ height: '16rem' }}> <Spinner size={'base'}/> </div> : <div css={tw`rounded shadow-md bg-neutral-700`}> <div css={tw`bg-neutral-900 rounded-t border-b border-black px-4 py-3`}> <p css={tw`text-sm uppercase`}> <svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor" css={tw`inline-block mr-2`} style={{ height: '1rem' }}> <path strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round" strokeWidth={2} d="M9 3v2m6-2v2M9 19v2m6-2v2M5 9H3m2 6H3m18-6h-2m2 6h-2M7 19h10a2 2 0 002-2V7a2 2 0 00-2-2H7a2 2 0 00-2 2v10a2 2 0 002 2zM9 9h6v6H9V9z"/> </svg> System Information </p> </div> <div css={tw`px-4 py-4`}> {versionData?.panel.current === 'canary' ? <p css={tw`text-neutral-200`}> I hope you enjoy living on the edge because you are running a <Code>{versionData?.panel.current}</Code> version of Pterodactyl. </p> : versionData?.panel.latest === versionData?.panel.current ? <p css={tw`text-neutral-200`}> Your panel is <span css={tw`text-neutral-100`}>up-to-date</span>. The latest version is <Code>{versionData?.panel.latest}</Code> and you are running version <Code>{versionData?.panel.current}</Code>. </p> : <p css={tw`text-neutral-200`}> Your panel is <span css={tw`text-neutral-100`}>not up-to-date</span>. The latest version is <Code>{versionData?.panel.latest}</Code> and you are running version <Code>{versionData?.panel.current}</Code>. </p> } </div> </div> } </div> </AdminContentBlock> ); };