{{-- Pterodactyl - Panel --}} {{-- Copyright (c) 2015 - 2017 Dane Everitt --}} {{-- This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. --}} {{-- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT --}} @extends('layouts.admin') @section('title') New Server @endsection @section('content-header')

Create ServerAdd a new server to the panel.

@endsection @section('content')

Core Details

Character limits: a-z A-Z 0-9 _ - . and [Space] (max 200 characters).

A brief description of this server.

Allocation Management

The node which this server will be deployed to.

The main allocation that will be assigned to this server.

Additional allocations to assign to this server on creation.

Application Feature Limits

The total number of databases a user is allowed to create for this server.

The total number of allocations a user is allowed to create for this server.

The total number of backups that can be created for this server.

Resource Management


If you do not want to limit CPU usage, set the value to 0. To determine a value, take the number of physical cores and multiply it by 100. For example, on a quad core system (4 * 100 = 400) there is 400% available. To limit a server to using half of a single core, you would set the value to 50. To allow a server to use up to two physical cores, set the value to 200. BlockIO should be a value between 10 and 1000. Please see this documentation for more information about it.

Advanced: Enter the specific CPU cores that this process can run on, or leave blank to allow all cores. This can be a single number, or a comma seperated list. Example: 0, 0-1,3, or 0,1,3,4.


The maximum amount of memory allowed for this container. Setting this to 0 will allow unlimited memory in a container.


Setting this to 0 will disable swap space on this server. Setting to -1 will allow unlimited swap.


This server will not be allowed to boot if it is using more than this amount of space. If a server goes over this limit while running it will be safely stopped and locked until enough space is available. Set to 0 to allow unlimited disk usage.

Advanced: The IO performance of this server relative to other running containers on the system. Value should be between 10 and 1000.

Nest Configuration

Select the Nest that this server will be grouped under.

Select the Egg that will define how this server should operate.

If the selected Egg has an install script attached to it, the script will run during the install. If you would like to skip this step, check this box.

Docker Configuration

This is the default Docker image that will be used to run this server.

Startup Configuration

The following data substitutes are available for the startup command: @{{SERVER_MEMORY}}, @{{SERVER_IP}}, and @{{SERVER_PORT}}. They will be replaced with the allocated memory, server IP, and server port respectively.

Service Variables

@endsection @section('footer-scripts') @parent {!! Theme::js('vendor/lodash/lodash.js') !!} {!! Theme::js('js/admin/new-server.js') !!} @endsection