import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { faTrashAlt } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import tw from 'twin.macro';
import Icon from '@/components/elements/Icon';
import ConfirmationModal from '@/components/elements/ConfirmationModal';
import { ServerContext } from '@/state/server';
import deleteServerAllocation from '@/api/server/network/deleteServerAllocation';
import getServerAllocations from '@/api/swr/getServerAllocations';
import useFlash from '@/plugins/useFlash';
interface Props {
allocation: number;
const DeleteAllocationButton = ({ allocation }: Props) => {
const uuid = ServerContext.useStoreState(state =>!.uuid);
const [ confirm, setConfirm ] = useState(false);
const { mutate } = getServerAllocations();
const { clearFlashes, clearAndAddHttpError } = useFlash();
const deleteAllocation = () => {
mutate(data => data?.filter(a => !== allocation), false);
deleteServerAllocation(uuid, allocation)
.catch(error => clearAndAddHttpError({ key: 'server:network', error }));
return (
This allocation will be immediately removed from your server. Are you sure you want to continue?
export default DeleteAllocationButton;