/* ansi_up.js * author : Dru Nelson * license : MIT * http://github.com/drudru/ansi_up */ (function (factory) { var v; if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") { v = factory(require, exports); if ("undefined" !== typeof v) module.exports = v; } else if ("function" === typeof define && define.amd) { define(["require", "exports"], factory); } else { var req, exp = {}; v = factory(req, exp); window.AnsiUp = exp.default; } })(function (require, exports) { "use strict"; function rgx(tmplObj) { var subst = []; for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { subst[_i - 1] = arguments[_i]; } var regexText = tmplObj.raw[0]; var wsrgx = /^\s+|\s+\n|\s+#[\s\S]+?\n/gm; var txt2 = regexText.replace(wsrgx, ''); return new RegExp(txt2, 'm'); } var AnsiUp = (function () { function AnsiUp() { this.VERSION = "2.0.1"; this.ansi_colors = [ [ { rgb: [0, 0, 0], class_name: "ansi-black" }, { rgb: [187, 0, 0], class_name: "ansi-red" }, { rgb: [0, 187, 0], class_name: "ansi-green" }, { rgb: [187, 187, 0], class_name: "ansi-yellow" }, { rgb: [0, 0, 187], class_name: "ansi-blue" }, { rgb: [187, 0, 187], class_name: "ansi-magenta" }, { rgb: [0, 187, 187], class_name: "ansi-cyan" }, { rgb: [255, 255, 255], class_name: "ansi-white" } ], [ { rgb: [85, 85, 85], class_name: "ansi-bright-black" }, { rgb: [255, 85, 85], class_name: "ansi-bright-red" }, { rgb: [0, 255, 0], class_name: "ansi-bright-green" }, { rgb: [255, 255, 85], class_name: "ansi-bright-yellow" }, { rgb: [85, 85, 255], class_name: "ansi-bright-blue" }, { rgb: [255, 85, 255], class_name: "ansi-bright-magenta" }, { rgb: [85, 255, 255], class_name: "ansi-bright-cyan" }, { rgb: [255, 255, 255], class_name: "ansi-bright-white" } ] ]; this.htmlFormatter = { transform: function (fragment, instance) { var txt = fragment.text; if (txt.length === 0) return txt; if (instance._escape_for_html) txt = instance.old_escape_for_html(txt); if (!fragment.bright && fragment.fg === null && fragment.bg === null) return txt; var styles = []; var classes = []; var fg = fragment.fg; var bg = fragment.bg; if (fg === null && fragment.bright) fg = instance.ansi_colors[1][7]; if (!instance._use_classes) { if (fg) styles.push("color:rgb(" + fg.rgb.join(',') + ")"); if (bg) styles.push("background-color:rgb(" + bg.rgb + ")"); } else { if (fg) { if (fg.class_name !== 'truecolor') { classes.push(fg.class_name + "-fg"); } else { styles.push("color:rgb(" + fg.rgb.join(',') + ")"); } } if (bg) { if (bg.class_name !== 'truecolor') { classes.push(bg.class_name + "-bg"); } else { styles.push("background-color:rgb(" + bg.rgb.join(',') + ")"); } } } var class_string = ''; var style_string = ''; if (classes.length) class_string = " class=\"" + classes.join(' ') + "\""; if (styles.length) style_string = " style=\"" + styles.join(';') + "\""; return "" + txt + ""; }, compose: function (segments, instance) { return segments.join(""); } }; this.textFormatter = { transform: function (fragment, instance) { return fragment.text; }, compose: function (segments, instance) { return segments.join(""); } }; this.setup_256_palette(); this._use_classes = false; this._escape_for_html = true; this.bright = false; this.fg = this.bg = null; this._buffer = ''; } Object.defineProperty(AnsiUp.prototype, "use_classes", { get: function () { return this._use_classes; }, set: function (arg) { this._use_classes = arg; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(AnsiUp.prototype, "escape_for_html", { get: function () { return this._escape_for_html; }, set: function (arg) { this._escape_for_html = arg; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); AnsiUp.prototype.setup_256_palette = function () { var _this = this; this.palette_256 = []; this.ansi_colors.forEach(function (palette) { palette.forEach(function (rec) { _this.palette_256.push(rec); }); }); var levels = [0, 95, 135, 175, 215, 255]; for (var r = 0; r < 6; ++r) { for (var g = 0; g < 6; ++g) { for (var b = 0; b < 6; ++b) { var col = { rgb: [levels[r], levels[g], levels[b]], class_name: 'truecolor' }; this.palette_256.push(col); } } } var grey_level = 8; for (var i = 0; i < 24; ++i, grey_level += 10) { var gry = { rgb: [grey_level, grey_level, grey_level], class_name: 'truecolor' }; this.palette_256.push(gry); } }; AnsiUp.prototype.old_escape_for_html = function (txt) { return txt.replace(/[&<>]/gm, function (str) { if (str === "&") return "&"; if (str === "<") return "<"; if (str === ">") return ">"; }); }; AnsiUp.prototype.old_linkify = function (txt) { return txt.replace(/(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/gm, function (str) { return "" + str + ""; }); }; AnsiUp.prototype.detect_incomplete_ansi = function (txt) { return !(/.*?[\x40-\x7e]/.test(txt)); }; AnsiUp.prototype.detect_incomplete_link = function (txt) { var found = false; for (var i = txt.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (/\s|\x1B/.test(txt[i])) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { if (/(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/.test(txt)) return 0; else return -1; } var prefix = txt.substr(i + 1, 4); if (prefix.length === 0) return -1; if ("http".indexOf(prefix) === 0) return (i + 1); }; AnsiUp.prototype.ansi_to = function (txt, formatter) { var pkt = this._buffer + txt; this._buffer = ''; var raw_text_pkts = pkt.split(/\x1B\[/); if (raw_text_pkts.length === 1) raw_text_pkts.push(''); this.handle_incomplete_sequences(raw_text_pkts); var first_chunk = this.with_state(raw_text_pkts.shift()); var blocks = new Array(raw_text_pkts.length); for (var i = 0, len = raw_text_pkts.length; i < len; ++i) { blocks[i] = (formatter.transform(this.process_ansi(raw_text_pkts[i]), this)); } if (first_chunk.text.length > 0) blocks.unshift(formatter.transform(first_chunk, this)); return formatter.compose(blocks, this); }; AnsiUp.prototype.ansi_to_html = function (txt) { return this.ansi_to(txt, this.htmlFormatter); }; AnsiUp.prototype.ansi_to_text = function (txt) { return this.ansi_to(txt, this.textFormatter); }; AnsiUp.prototype.with_state = function (text) { return { bright: this.bright, fg: this.fg, bg: this.bg, text: text }; }; AnsiUp.prototype.handle_incomplete_sequences = function (chunks) { var last_chunk = chunks[chunks.length - 1]; if ((last_chunk.length > 0) && this.detect_incomplete_ansi(last_chunk)) { this._buffer = "\x1B[" + last_chunk; chunks.pop(); chunks.push(''); } else { if (last_chunk.slice(-1) === "\x1B") { this._buffer = "\x1B"; console.log("raw", chunks); chunks.pop(); chunks.push(last_chunk.substr(0, last_chunk.length - 1)); console.log(chunks); console.log(last_chunk); } if (chunks.length === 2 && chunks[1] === "" && chunks[0].slice(-1) === "\x1B") { this._buffer = "\x1B"; last_chunk = chunks.shift(); chunks.unshift(last_chunk.substr(0, last_chunk.length - 1)); } } }; AnsiUp.prototype.process_ansi = function (block) { if (!this._sgr_regex) { this._sgr_regex = (_a = ["\n ^ # beginning of line\n ([!<-?]?) # a private-mode char (!, <, =, >, ?)\n ([d;]*) # any digits or semicolons\n ([ -/]? # an intermediate modifier\n [@-~]) # the command\n ([sS]*) # any text following this CSI sequence\n "], _a.raw = ["\n ^ # beginning of line\n ([!\\x3c-\\x3f]?) # a private-mode char (!, <, =, >, ?)\n ([\\d;]*) # any digits or semicolons\n ([\\x20-\\x2f]? # an intermediate modifier\n [\\x40-\\x7e]) # the command\n ([\\s\\S]*) # any text following this CSI sequence\n "], rgx(_a)); } var matches = block.match(this._sgr_regex); if (!matches) { return this.with_state(block); } var orig_txt = matches[4]; if (matches[1] !== '' || matches[3] !== 'm') { return this.with_state(orig_txt); } var sgr_cmds = matches[2].split(';'); while (sgr_cmds.length > 0) { var sgr_cmd_str = sgr_cmds.shift(); var num = parseInt(sgr_cmd_str, 10); if (isNaN(num) || num === 0) { this.fg = this.bg = null; this.bright = false; } else if (num === 1) { this.bright = true; } else if (num === 22) { this.bright = false; } else if (num === 39) { this.fg = null; } else if (num === 49) { this.bg = null; } else if ((num >= 30) && (num < 38)) { var bidx = this.bright ? 1 : 0; this.fg = this.ansi_colors[bidx][(num - 30)]; } else if ((num >= 90) && (num < 98)) { this.fg = this.ansi_colors[1][(num - 90)]; } else if ((num >= 40) && (num < 48)) { this.bg = this.ansi_colors[0][(num - 40)]; } else if ((num >= 100) && (num < 108)) { this.bg = this.ansi_colors[1][(num - 100)]; } else if (num === 38 || num === 48) { if (sgr_cmds.length > 0) { var is_foreground = (num === 38); var mode_cmd = sgr_cmds.shift(); if (mode_cmd === '5' && sgr_cmds.length > 0) { var palette_index = parseInt(sgr_cmds.shift(), 10); if (palette_index >= 0 && palette_index <= 255) { if (is_foreground) this.fg = this.palette_256[palette_index]; else this.bg = this.palette_256[palette_index]; } } if (mode_cmd === '2' && sgr_cmds.length > 2) { var r = parseInt(sgr_cmds.shift(), 10); var g = parseInt(sgr_cmds.shift(), 10); var b = parseInt(sgr_cmds.shift(), 10); if ((r >= 0 && r <= 255) && (g >= 0 && g <= 255) && (b >= 0 && b <= 255)) { var c = { rgb: [r, g, b], class_name: 'truecolor' }; if (is_foreground) this.fg = c; else this.bg = c; } } } } } return this.with_state(orig_txt); var _a; }; return AnsiUp; }()); Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = AnsiUp; });