@extends('layouts.admin') @section('title') Managing Server: {{ $server->name }} ({{ $server->uuidShort}}) @endsection @section('content')
@if (count($errors) > 0)
{{ trans('strings.whoops') }}! {{ trans('base.validation_error') }}

@endif @foreach (Alert::getMessages() as $type => $messages) @foreach ($messages as $message) @endforeach @endforeach
UUID {{ $server->uuid }}
Owner {{ $server->a_ownerEmail }}
Location {{ $server->a_locationName }}
Node {{ $server->a_nodeName }}
Service {{ $server->a_serviceName }} :: {{ $server->a_servceOptionName }}
Name {{ $server->name }}
Memory {{ $server->memory }}MB (Swap: {{ $server->swap }}MB) (OOM Killer: {{ ($server->oom_disabled === 0) ? 'enabled' : 'disabled' }})
Disk Space {{ $server->disk }}MB (Enforced: no)
Block IO Weight {{ $server->io }}
CPU Limit {{ $server->cpu }}%
Default Connection {{ $server->ip }}:{{ $server->port }}
Installed {{ ($server->installed === 1) ? 'Yes' : 'No' }}

Character limits: a-zA-Z0-9_- and [Space] (max 35 characters).

You can change the owner of this server by changing this field to an email matching another use on this system. If you do this a new daemon security token will be generated automatically.

This token should not be shared with anyone as it has full control over this server.

Yes, Reset Daemon Token

Resetting this token will cause any requests using the old token to fail.

{!! csrf_field() !!}

Setting this to 0 will disable swap space on this server.


Each physical core on the system is considered to be 100%. Setting this value to 0 will allow a server to use CPU time without restrictions.

Changing this value can have negative effects on all containers on the system. We strongly recommend leaving this value as 500.

Additional IPs and Ports can be assigned to this server for use by plugins or other software. The game port is what will show up for the user to use to connect to thier server, and what their configuration files will be forced to use for binding.
@foreach ($assigned as $assignment)
ip == $server->ip && $assignment->port == $server->port) checked="checked" @endif name="default" value="{{ $assignment->ip }}:{{ $assignment->port }}"/>

Please note that due to software limitations you cannot assign identical ports on different IPs to the same server. For example, you cannot assign both and to the same server.

Simply select which ports you would like to remove from the list above. If you want to assign a port on a different IP that is already in use you can select it above and delete it down here.

{!! csrf_field() !!}
{!! csrf_field() !!}

This will trigger a rebuild of the server container when it next starts up. This is useful if you modified the server configuration file manually, or something just didn't work out correctly. Please be aware: if you manually updated the server's configuration file, you will need to restart the daemon before doing this, or it will be overwritten.

A rebuild will automatically occur whenever you edit build configuration settings for the server.