<?php namespace Pterodactyl\Exceptions\Http\Server; use Pterodactyl\Models\Server; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\ConflictHttpException; class ServerStateConflictException extends ConflictHttpException { /** * Exception thrown when the server is in an unsupported state for API access or * certain operations within the codebase. */ public function __construct(Server $server, \Throwable $previous = null) { $message = 'This server is currently in an unsupported state, please try again later.'; if ($server->isSuspended()) { $message = 'This server is currently suspended and the functionality requested is unavailable.'; } elseif ($server->node->isUnderMaintenance()) { $message = 'The node of this server is currently under maintenance and the functionality requested is unavailable.'; } elseif (!$server->isInstalled()) { $message = 'This server has not yet completed its installation process, please try again later.'; } elseif ($server->status === Server::STATUS_RESTORING_BACKUP) { $message = 'This server is currently restoring from a backup, please try again later.'; } elseif (!is_null($server->transfer)) { $message = 'This server is currently being transferred to a new machine, please try again later.'; } parent::__construct($message, $previous); } }