addArguments([ '--disable-gpu', '--disable-infobars', ]); return RemoteWebDriver::create( 'http://host.pterodactyl.local:4444/wd/hub', DesiredCapabilities::chrome()->setCapability( ChromeOptions::CAPABILITY, $options ) ); } /** * Return an instance of the browser to be used for tests. * * @param \Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\RemoteWebDriver $driver * @return \Pterodactyl\Tests\Browser\PterodactylBrowser */ protected function newBrowser($driver): PterodactylBrowser { return new PterodactylBrowser($driver); } /** * Tear down the test and delete all cookies from the browser instance to address * instances where the test would be kicked over to the login page. */ protected function tearDown() { /** @var \Pterodactyl\Tests\Browser\PterodactylBrowser $browser */ foreach (static::$browsers as $browser) { $browser->driver->manage()->deleteAllCookies(); } parent::tearDown(); } /** * Return a user model to authenticate aganist and use in the tests. * * @param array $attributes * @return \Pterodactyl\Models\User */ protected function user(array $attributes = []): User { return factory(User::class)->create(array_merge([ 'password' => Hash::make(static::$userPassword), ], $attributes)); } }