import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import useSWR from 'swr'; import getServerAllocations from '@/api/server/network/getServerAllocations'; import { Allocation } from '@/api/server/getServer'; import Spinner from '@/components/elements/Spinner'; import useFlash from '@/plugins/useFlash'; import ServerContentBlock from '@/components/elements/ServerContentBlock'; import { ServerContext } from '@/state/server'; import { useDeepMemoize } from '@/plugins/useDeepMemoize'; import AllocationRow from '@/components/server/network/AllocationRow'; import setPrimaryServerAllocation from '@/api/server/network/setPrimaryServerAllocation'; import Button from '@/components/elements/Button'; import newServerAllocation from '@/api/server/network/newServerAllocation'; import tw from 'twin.macro'; import GreyRowBox from '@/components/elements/GreyRowBox'; const NetworkContainer = () => { const uuid = ServerContext.useStoreState(state =>!.uuid); const allocationLimit = ServerContext.useStoreState(state =>!.featureLimits.allocations); const allocations = useDeepMemoize(ServerContext.useStoreState(state =>!.allocations)); const [ addingAllocation, setAddingAllocation ] = useState(false); const { clearFlashes, clearAndAddHttpError } = useFlash(); const { data, error, mutate } = useSWR(uuid, key => getServerAllocations(key), { initialData: allocations, revalidateOnFocus: false, }); useEffect(() => { if (error) { clearAndAddHttpError({ key: 'server:network', error }); } }, [ error ]); const setPrimaryAllocation = useCallback((id: number) => { clearFlashes('server:network'); const initial = data; mutate(data?.map(a => === id ? { ...a, isDefault: true } : { ...a, isDefault: false }), false); setPrimaryServerAllocation(uuid, id) .catch(error => { clearAndAddHttpError({ key: 'server:network', error }); mutate(initial, false); }); }, []); const getNewAllocation = () => { clearFlashes('server:network'); setAddingAllocation(true); const initial = data; newServerAllocation(uuid) .then(allocation => { mutate(data?.concat(allocation), false); setAddingAllocation(false); }) .catch(error => { clearAndAddHttpError({ key: 'server:network', error }); mutate(initial, false); setAddingAllocation(false); }); }; const onNotesAdded = useCallback((id: number, notes: string) => { mutate(data?.map(a => === id ? { ...a, notes } : a), false); }, []); return ( {!data ? : => ( )) } {allocationLimit > data!.length ? {addingAllocation ? : } :

You have reached the max number of allocations allowed for your server.

); }; export default NetworkContainer;