{{-- Pterodactyl - Panel --}} {{-- Copyright (c) 2015 - 2017 Dane Everitt --}} {{-- This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. --}} {{-- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT --}} @extends('layouts.admin') @section('title') Database Hosts → View → {{ $host->name }} @endsection @section('content-header')

{{ $host->name }}Viewing associated databases and details for this database host.

@endsection @section('content')

Host Details

The IP address or FQDN that should be used when attempting to connect to this MySQL host from the panel to add new databases.

The port that MySQL is running on for this host.

This setting does nothing other than default to this database host when adding a database to a server on the selected node.

User Details

The username of an account that has enough permissions to create new users and databases on the system.

The password to the account defined. Leave blank to continue using the assigned password.

The account defined for this database host must have the WITH GRANT OPTION permission. If the defined account does not have this permission requests to create databases will fail. Do not use the same account details for MySQL that you have defined for this panel.


@foreach($databases as $database) @if($database->max_connections != null) @else @endif @endforeach
Server Database Name Username Connections From Max Connections
{{ $database->getRelation('server')->name }} {{ $database->database }} {{ $database->username }} {{ $database->remote }}{{ $database->max_connections }}Unlimited
@if($databases->hasPages()) @endif
@endsection @section('footer-scripts') @parent @endsection