generateTestAccount($permissions); $response = $this->actingAs($user)->postJson($this->link($server) . "/users", [ 'email' => $email = $this->faker->email, 'permissions' => [ Permission::ACTION_USER_CREATE, ], ]); $response->assertOk(); /** @var \Pterodactyl\Models\User $subuser */ $subuser = User::query()->where('email', $email)->firstOrFail(); $response->assertJsonPath('object', Subuser::RESOURCE_NAME); $response->assertJsonPath('attributes.uuid', $subuser->uuid); $response->assertJsonPath('attributes.permissions', [ Permission::ACTION_USER_CREATE, Permission::ACTION_WEBSOCKET_CONNECT, ]); $expected = $response->json('attributes'); unset($expected['permissions']); $this->assertJsonTransformedWith($expected, $subuser); } /** * Tests that an error is returned if a subuser attempts to create a new subuser and assign * permissions that their account does not also possess. */ public function testErrorIsReturnedIfAssigningPermissionsNotAssignedToSelf() { [$user, $server] = $this->generateTestAccount([ Permission::ACTION_USER_CREATE, Permission::ACTION_USER_READ, Permission::ACTION_CONTROL_CONSOLE, ]); $response = $this->actingAs($user)->postJson($this->link($server) . "/users", [ 'email' => $email = $this->faker->email, 'permissions' => [ Permission::ACTION_USER_CREATE, Permission::ACTION_USER_UPDATE, // This permission is not assigned to the subuser. ], ]); $response->assertForbidden(); $response->assertJsonPath('errors.0.code', 'HttpForbiddenException'); $response->assertJsonPath('errors.0.detail', 'Cannot assign permissions to a subuser that your account does not actively possess.'); } /** * Throws some bad data at the API and ensures that a subuser cannot be created. */ public function testSubuserWithExcessivelyLongEmailCannotBeCreated() { [$user, $server] = $this->generateTestAccount(); $email = str_repeat(Str::random(20), 9) . ''; // 191 is the hard limit for the column in MySQL. $response = $this->actingAs($user)->postJson($this->link($server) . "/users", [ 'email' => $email, 'permissions' => [ Permission::ACTION_USER_CREATE, ], ]); $response->assertOk(); $response = $this->actingAs($user)->postJson($this->link($server) . "/users", [ 'email' => $email . '.au', 'permissions' => [ Permission::ACTION_USER_CREATE, ], ]); $response->assertStatus(Response::HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY); $response->assertJsonPath('errors.0.detail', 'The email must be between 1 and 191 characters.'); $response->assertJsonPath('errors.0.meta.source_field', 'email'); } /** * Test that creating a subuser when there is already an account with that email runs * as expected and does not create a new account. */ public function testCreatingSubuserWithSameEmailAsExistingUserWorks() { [$user, $server] = $this->generateTestAccount(); /** @var \Pterodactyl\Models\User $existing */ $existing = factory(User::class)->create(['email' => $this->faker->email]); $response = $this->actingAs($user)->postJson($this->link($server) . "/users", [ 'email' => $existing->email, 'permissions' => [ Permission::ACTION_USER_CREATE, ], ]); $response->assertOk(); $response->assertJsonPath('object', Subuser::RESOURCE_NAME); $response->assertJsonPath('attributes.uuid', $existing->uuid); } /** * Test that an error is returned if the account associated with an email address is already * associated with the server instance. */ public function testAddingSubuserThatAlreadyIsAssignedReturnsError() { [$user, $server] = $this->generateTestAccount(); $response = $this->actingAs($user)->postJson($this->link($server) . "/users", [ 'email' => $email = $this->faker->email, 'permissions' => [ Permission::ACTION_USER_CREATE, ], ]); $response->assertOk(); $response = $this->actingAs($user)->postJson($this->link($server) . "/users", [ 'email' => $email, 'permissions' => [ Permission::ACTION_USER_CREATE, ], ]); $response->assertStatus(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST); $response->assertJsonPath('errors.0.code', 'ServerSubuserExistsException'); $response->assertJsonPath('errors.0.detail', 'A user with that email address is already assigned as a subuser for this server.'); } /** * @return array */ public function permissionsDataProvider(): array { return [[[]], [[Permission::ACTION_USER_CREATE]]]; } }