user(); $uri = rtrim($request->getRequestUri(), '/') . '/'; $current = $request->route()->getName(); if (!$user || Str::startsWith($uri, ['/auth/']) || Str::startsWith($current, ['auth.', 'account.'])) { return $next($request); } $level = (int) config('pterodactyl.auth.2fa_required'); // If this setting is not configured, or the user is already using 2FA then we can just // send them right through, nothing else needs to be checked. // // If the level is set as admin and the user is not an admin, pass them through as well. if ($level === self::LEVEL_NONE || $user->use_totp) { return $next($request); } elseif ($level === self::LEVEL_ADMIN && !$user->root_admin) { return $next($request); } // For API calls return an exception which gets rendered nicely in the API response. if ($request->isJson() || Str::startsWith($uri, '/api/')) { throw new TwoFactorAuthRequiredException(); } $this->alert->danger(trans('auth.2fa_must_be_enabled'))->flash(); return redirect()->to($this->redirectRoute); } }