bearerToken() || empty($request->bearerToken())) { throw new UnauthorizedHttpException('The authentication header was missing or malformed'); } list($public, $hashed) = explode('.', $request->bearerToken()); $key = APIKey::where('public', $public)->first(); if (!$key) { throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('Invalid API Key.'); } // Check for Resource Permissions if (!empty($request->route()->getName())) { if(!is_null($key->allowed_ips)) { if (!in_array($request->ip(), json_decode($key->allowed_ips))) { throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('This IP address does not have permission to use this API key.'); } } foreach(APIPermission::where('key_id', $key->id)->get() as &$row) { if ($row->permission === '*' || $row->permission === $request->route()->getName()) { $this->permissionAllowed = true; continue; } } if (!$this->permissionAllowed) { throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('You do not have permission to access this resource.'); } } if($this->_generateHMAC($request->fullUrl(), $request->getContent(), $key->secret) !== base64_decode($hashed)) { throw new BadRequestHttpException('The hashed body was not valid. Potential modification of contents in route.'); } return true; } protected function _generateHMAC($url, $body, $key) { $data = urldecode($url) . '.' . $body; return hash_hmac($this->algo, $data, $key, true); } }