{{-- Pterodactyl - Panel --}} {{-- Copyright (c) 2015 - 2017 Dane Everitt --}} {{-- This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. --}} {{-- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT --}} @extends('layouts.admin') @section('title') Manager User: {{ $user->username }} @endsection @section('content-header')

{{ $user->name_first }} {{ $user->name_last}}{{ $user->username }}

@endsection @section('content')




Setting this to 'Yes' gives a user full administrative access.

Associated Servers

Oh dear, this hasn't been fixed yet? {{--@foreach($user->setAccessLevel('subuser')->access()->get() as $server)--}} {{----}} {{----}} {{----}} {{----}} {{----}} {{----}} {{----}} {{----}} {{--@endforeach--}}
Identifier Server Name Access Node
{{ $server->uuidShort }}{{ $server->name }}--}} {{--@if($server->owner_id === $user->id)--}} {{--Owner--}} {{--@else--}} {{--Subuser--}} {{--@endif--}} {{--{{ $server->node->name }}@if($server->suspended === 0)Active@elseSuspended@endif

Delete User

There must be no servers associated with this account in order for it to be deleted.
