
return [
    | Restricted Environment
    | Set this environment variable to true to enable a restricted configuration
    | setup on the panel. When set to true, configurations stored in the
    | database will not be applied.

    'load_environment_only' => (bool) env('APP_ENVIRONMENT_ONLY', false),

    | Service Author
    | Each panel installation is assigned a unique UUID to identify the
    | author of custom services, and make upgrades easier by identifying
    | standard Pterodactyl shipped services.

    'service' => [
        'author' => env('APP_SERVICE_AUTHOR', 'unknown@unknown.com'),

    | Authentication
    | Should login success and failure events trigger an email to the user?

    'auth' => [
        '2fa_required' => env('APP_2FA_REQUIRED', 0),
        '2fa' => [
            'bytes' => 32,
            'window' => env('APP_2FA_WINDOW', 4),
            'verify_newer' => true,

    | Pagination
    | Certain pagination result counts can be configured here and will take
    | effect globally.

    'paginate' => [
        'frontend' => [
            'servers' => env('APP_PAGINATE_FRONT_SERVERS', 15),
        'admin' => [
            'servers' => env('APP_PAGINATE_ADMIN_SERVERS', 25),
            'users' => env('APP_PAGINATE_ADMIN_USERS', 25),
        'api' => [
            'nodes' => env('APP_PAGINATE_API_NODES', 25),
            'servers' => env('APP_PAGINATE_API_SERVERS', 25),
            'users' => env('APP_PAGINATE_API_USERS', 25),

    | Guzzle Connections
    | Configure the timeout to be used for Guzzle connections here.

    'guzzle' => [
        'timeout' => env('GUZZLE_TIMEOUT', 15),
        'connect_timeout' => env('GUZZLE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT', 5),

    | CDN
    | Information for the panel to use when contacting the CDN to confirm
    | if panel is up to date.

    'cdn' => [
        'cache_time' => 60,
        'url' => 'https://cdn.pterodactyl.io/releases/latest.json',

    | Client Features
    | Allow clients to create their own databases.

    'client_features' => [
        'databases' => [
            'enabled' => env('PTERODACTYL_CLIENT_DATABASES_ENABLED', true),
            'allow_random' => env('PTERODACTYL_CLIENT_DATABASES_ALLOW_RANDOM', true),

        'schedules' => [
            // The total number of tasks that can exist for any given schedule at once.
            'per_schedule_task_limit' => env('PTERODACTYL_PER_SCHEDULE_TASK_LIMIT', 10),

        'allocations' => [
            'enabled' => env('PTERODACTYL_CLIENT_ALLOCATIONS_ENABLED', false),
            'range_start' => env('PTERODACTYL_CLIENT_ALLOCATIONS_RANGE_START'),
            'range_end' => env('PTERODACTYL_CLIENT_ALLOCATIONS_RANGE_END'),

    | File Editor
    | This array includes the MIME filetypes that can be edited via the web.

    'files' => [
        'max_edit_size' => env('PTERODACTYL_FILES_MAX_EDIT_SIZE', 1024 * 1024 * 4),

    | Dynamic Environment Variables
    | Place dynamic environment variables here that should be auto-appended
    | to server environment fields when the server is created or updated.
    | Items should be in 'key' => 'value' format, where key is the environment
    | variable name, and value is the server-object key. For example:
    | 'P_SERVER_CREATED_AT' => 'created_at'

    'environment_variables' => [
        'P_SERVER_ALLOCATION_LIMIT' => 'allocation_limit',

    | Asset Verification
    | This section controls the output format for JS & CSS assets.

    'assets' => [
        'use_hash' => env('PTERODACTYL_USE_ASSET_HASH', false),

    | Email Notification Settings
    | This section controls what notifications are sent to users.

    'email' => [
        // Should an email be sent to a server owner once their server has completed it's first install process?
        'send_install_notification' => env('PTERODACTYL_SEND_INSTALL_NOTIFICATION', true),
        // Should an email be sent to a server owner whenever their server is reinstalled?
        'send_reinstall_notification' => env('PTERODACTYL_SEND_REINSTALL_NOTIFICATION', true),

    | Telemetry Settings
    | This section controls the telemetry sent by Pterodactyl.

    'telemetry' => [
        'enabled' => env('PTERODACTYL_TELEMETRY_ENABLED', false),