 * Pterodactyl - Panel
 * Copyright (c) 2015 - 2017 Dane Everitt <dane@daneeveritt.com>.
 * This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
 * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

namespace Pterodactyl\Repositories\Eloquent;

use Webmozart\Assert\Assert;
use Pterodactyl\Models\Server;
use Pterodactyl\Repositories\Concerns\Searchable;
use Pterodactyl\Exceptions\Repository\RecordNotFoundException;
use Pterodactyl\Contracts\Repository\ServerRepositoryInterface;

class ServerRepository extends EloquentRepository implements ServerRepositoryInterface
    use Searchable;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function model()
        return Server::class;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getAllServers($paginate = 25)
        Assert::nullOrIntegerish($paginate, 'First argument passed to getAllServers must be integer or null, received %s.');

        $instance = $this->getBuilder()->with('node', 'user', 'allocation')->search($this->searchTerm);

        return is_null($paginate) ? $instance->get($this->getColumns()) : $instance->paginate($paginate, $this->getColumns());

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getDataForRebuild($server = null, $node = null)
        Assert::nullOrIntegerish($server, 'First argument passed to getDataForRebuild must be null or integer, received %s.');
        Assert::nullOrIntegerish($node, 'Second argument passed to getDataForRebuild must be null or integer, received %s.');

        $instance = $this->getBuilder()->with('allocation', 'allocations', 'pack', 'egg', 'node');

        if (! is_null($server) && is_null($node)) {
            $instance = $instance->where('id', '=', $server);
        } elseif (is_null($server) && ! is_null($node)) {
            $instance = $instance->where('node_id', '=', $node);

        return $instance->get($this->getColumns());

     * {@inheritdoc}
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
    public function findWithVariables($id)
        Assert::integerish($id, 'First argument passed to findWithVariables must be integer, received %s.');

        $instance = $this->getBuilder()->with('egg.variables', 'variables')
                         ->where($this->getModel()->getKeyName(), '=', $id)

        if (is_null($instance)) {
            throw new RecordNotFoundException();

        return $instance;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getVariablesWithValues($id, $returnWithObject = false)
        $instance = $this->getBuilder()->with('variables', 'egg.variables')
                         ->find($id, $this->getColumns());

        if (! $instance) {
            throw new RecordNotFoundException();

        $data = [];
        $instance->egg->variables->each(function ($item) use (&$data, $instance) {
            $display = $instance->variables->where('variable_id', $item->id)->pluck('variable_value')->first();

            $data[$item->env_variable] = $display ?? $item->default_value;

        if ($returnWithObject) {
            return (object) [
                'data' => $data,
                'server' => $instance,

        return $data;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getDataForCreation($id)
        $instance = $this->getBuilder()->with(['allocation', 'allocations', 'pack', 'egg'])->find($id, $this->getColumns());
        if (! $instance) {
            throw new RecordNotFoundException();

        return $instance;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getWithDatabases($id)
        $instance = $this->getBuilder()->with('databases.host')
                         ->where('installed', 1)
                         ->find($id, $this->getColumns());

        if (! $instance) {
            throw new RecordNotFoundException();

        return $instance;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getDaemonServiceData($id)
        Assert::integerish($id, 'First argument passed to getDaemonServiceData must be integer, received %s.');

        $instance = $this->getBuilder()->with('egg.nest', 'pack')->find($id, $this->getColumns());
        if (! $instance) {
            throw new RecordNotFoundException();

        return [
            'type' => $instance->egg->nest->folder,
            'option' => $instance->egg->tag,
            'pack' => (! is_null($instance->pack_id)) ? $instance->pack->uuid : null,

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getUserAccessServers($user)
        Assert::numeric($user, 'First argument passed to getUserAccessServers must be numeric, received %s.');

        $subuser = $this->app->make(SubuserRepository::class);

        return $this->getBuilder()->select('id')->where('owner_id', $user)->union(
            $subuser->getBuilder()->select('server_id')->where('user_id', $user)

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function filterUserAccessServers($user, $admin = false, $level = 'all', array $relations = [])
        Assert::numeric($user, 'First argument passed to filterUserAccessServers must be numeric, received %s.');
        Assert::boolean($admin, 'Second argument passed to filterUserAccessServers must be boolean, received %s.');
        Assert::stringNotEmpty($level, 'Third argument passed to filterUserAccessServers must be a non-empty string, received %s.');

        $instance = $this->getBuilder()->with($relations);

        // If access level is set to owner, only display servers
        // that the user owns.
        if ($level === 'owner') {
            $instance->where('owner_id', $user);

        // If set to all, display all servers they can access, including
        // those they access as an admin.
        // If set to subuser, only return the servers they can access because
        // they are owner, or marked as a subuser of the server.
        if (($level === 'all' && ! $admin) || $level === 'subuser') {
            $instance->whereIn('id', $this->getUserAccessServers($user));

        // If set to admin, only display the servers a user can access
        // as an administrator (leaves out owned and subuser of).
        if ($level === 'admin' && $admin) {
            $instance->whereIn('id', $this->getUserAccessServers($user));

        return $instance->search($this->searchTerm)->paginate(

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getByUuid($uuid)
        Assert::stringNotEmpty($uuid, 'First argument passed to getByUuid must be a non-empty string, received %s.');

        $instance = $this->getBuilder()->with('nest', 'node')->where(function ($query) use ($uuid) {
            $query->where('uuidShort', $uuid)->orWhere('uuid', $uuid);

        if (! $instance) {
            throw new RecordNotFoundException;

        return $instance;