import type { FieldProps } from 'formik'; import { Field } from 'formik'; import Input from '@/components/elements/Input'; interface Props { id: string; name: string; value?: string; label?: string; className?: string; } type OmitFields = 'ref' | 'name' | 'value' | 'type' | 'checked' | 'onClick' | 'onChange'; type InputProps = Omit<JSX.IntrinsicElements['input'], OmitFields>; const Checkbox = ({ name, value, className, ...props }: Props & InputProps) => ( <Field name={name}> {({ field, form }: FieldProps) => { if (!Array.isArray(field.value)) { console.error('Attempting to mount a checkbox using a field value that is not an array.'); return null; } return ( <Input {...field} {...props} className={className} type={'checkbox'} checked={(field.value || []).includes(value)} onClick={() => form.setFieldTouched(, true)} onChange={e => { const set = new Set(field.value); set.has(value) ? set.delete(value) : set.add(value); field.onChange(e); form.setFieldValue(, Array.from(set)); }} /> ); }} </Field> ); export default Checkbox;