Tune spam filtering =================== SNM comes with the `rspamd spam filtering system `_ enabled by default. Although its out-of-the-box performance is good, you can increase its efficiency by tuning its behaviour. A) Auto-learning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Moving spam email to the Junk folder (and false-positives out of it) will trigger an automatic training of the Bayesian filters, improving filtering of future emails. B) Train from existing folders ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you kept previous spam, you can train the filter from it. Note that the `rspamd FAQ `_ indicates that *you should always learn both classes with almost equal amount of messages to increase performance of the statistical engine.* You can run the training in a root shell as follows: .. code:: bash # Path to the controller socket export RSOCK="/var/run/rspamd/worker-controller.sock" # Learn the Junk folder as spam rspamc -h $RSOCK learn_spam /var/vmail/$DOMAIN/$USER/.Junk/cur/ # Learn the INBOX as ham rspamc -h $RSOCK learn_ham /var/vmail/$DOMAIN/$USER/cur/ # Check that training was successful rspamc -h $RSOCK stat | grep learned C) Tune symbol weight ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``X-Spamd-Result`` header is automatically added to your emails, detailing the scoring decisions. The `modules documentation `_ details the meaning of each symbol. You can tune the weight if a symbol if needed. .. code:: nix services.rspamd.locals = { "groups.conf".text = '' symbols { "FORGED_RECIPIENTS" { weight = 0; } }''; }; D) Tune action thresholds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After scoring the message, rspamd decides on an action based on configurable thresholds. By default, rspamd will tell postfix to reject any message with a score higher than 15. If you experience issues in scoring or want to stay on the safe side, you can disable this behaviour by tuning the configuration. For example: .. code:: nix services.rspamd.extraConfig = '' actions { reject = null; # Disable rejects, default is 15 add_header = 6; # Add header when reaching this score greylist = 4; # Apply greylisting when reaching this score } ''; E) Access the rspamd web UI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rspamd comes with `a web interface `_ that displays statistics and history of past scans. **We do NOT recommend using it to change the configuration** as doing so will override values from the configuration set in the previous sections. The UI is served on the ``/var/run/rspamd/worker-controller.sock`` Unix socket. Here are two ways to access it from your browser. With ssh forwarding ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For occasional access, the simplest way is to forward the socket to localhost and open http://localhost:3333 in your browser. .. code:: shell ssh -L 3333:/run/rspamd/worker-controller.sock $HOSTNAME With an nginx reverse-proxy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you have a secured nginx reverse proxy set on the host, you can use it to expose the socket. **Keep in mind the UI is unsecured by default, you need to setup an authentication scheme**, for exemple with `basic auth `_: .. code:: nix services.nginx.virtualHosts.rspamd = { forceSSL = true; enableACME = true; basicAuthFile = "/basic/auth/hashes/file"; serverName = "rspamd.example.com"; locations = { "/" = { proxyPass = "http://unix:/run/rspamd/worker-controller.sock:/"; }; }; };