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    <title>Skynet Self Service</title>
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        <img alt="Sharky, our mascot" height="81.56" src="./images/sharky.svg" width="145"/>
        <h1>Skynet Self Service</h1>
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                <a href="./signup.html">Sign-up</a>
                Please use this if you have yet to activate an account on Skynet before.
                <a href="./password.html">Change Password</a>
                Please use this service to change your Skynet password.
                <a href="./modify.html">Account modification</a>
                Please use this service to modify your user data (email, login ssh key, etc.).
                <a href="./recovery/username.html">Forgot your username?</a>
                Please use this service to get a reminder email with your Skynet username.
                <a href="./recovery/password.html">Forgot your password?</a>
                Please use this service to reset your password.
                <a href="ssh/index.html">SSH</a>
                Please use this service to manage your SSH keys.
    <footer class="page-footer">
        UL Computer Society 2023-<span id="year">2023</span>
            document.getElementById('year').textContent = new Date().getFullYear().toString()