# PyCon

| Date     | 2024/11/16                       |
| Location | Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Dublin |
| Time     | 05:30 - 23:30                    |
| Type     | Social/Technical                 |
| Lead     | @silver                          |

## Overview
Our trip to PyCon

### Requirements
Laptop is ideal, but not necessary

## Promotion
### Email


### Discord


### Poster

## Review
### What went well
* Good Conference
* Payment through Wolves went well

### What didn't
* Arrived early for Mc Donald's and upstairs was unuseable for a while
  * Contact them in advance next time?
    * Many folks had poor sleep the night before
* Bus was annoying to deal with
  * Would be worth hiring a bus just for it
  * Bus was ~700 if I recall