## Attendance
### Present
* Nanda
* Kaiden
* Eoghan
* Hans
* Brendan

## Minutes

### Committee
{Committee based stuff here, each role can talk about their field}

#### President
##### EGM
* Week 9?
* New Secretary
* New HSO
* Updated Constitution

##### New Committee
* Can use it to fill in for
* Currently, Hans and Kaiden are tapped for HSO and Secretary respectively 
* Emily wants to become a training Officer 
* Aim to elect more assistants for everything

##### Next Week
* Hustings, no committee meeting Tuesday, Monday?
* Two options for the committee meeting 
* option 1: later on tues 8-9
* option 2: monday 6-7

#### Treasurer
##### Bank Account
Brendan hates the bank /srs
Tried to get it today the code didn't work out
Lisa was pinged, to talk about doing bank accounts for socs, focus on how bank accounts affect socs /neg
Trying again tomorrow

##### Sponsorship
* Pending Lero
*  Eoghan needs to find the email and reply to it
*  Pending receipt from being submitted patch

##### Hack Ireland
* We had folks head off to that
* Got pics
* To refund half of travel + tickets
* The refund needs to wait till after the Bank Account is sorted

##### SumUp
* Need to get the front page of the constitution signed and uploaded 
* Print it off
* Signed by Brendan and Eoghan
  * Look into signing digitally

#### SISTEM Treasurer
* Merch
* Pending on bank Account

#### HSO

#### PRO
* Nanda got the donuts 

##### Assistant PRO

###### Steam Account
* Issues 
* Tried to get satisfactory setup 
* The email has exploded, and so we can't access it 
* Contact Steam support 
  * Brendan and Hans
* Tmp mail server was set up to try to receive the email for the steam support 
* Ping Conor Walsh and all the advisors 
  * Hans is doing this

#### Secretary

#### {any other role who wishes to speak}

#### Misc
{Stuff that dosent fit into any specific role}

##### Standing Item - PVA
##### Standing Item - Training
* Wolves now has a filter on the Whatson Page
    * <https://ulwolves.ie/whatson>

##### Collabs

### Events
#### Last week - 05
##### Rag Week

#### This Week - 06
##### Satisfactory

##### Open Governance
* Put the Event Planning stuff on Open Governance 

#### Next Week - 07
##### CTF?
* Ping Shay
* Shay and Nanda
* Give context about the CTF

###### Room
* Is booked

###### Wolves
* Is the Event up on Wolves Nanda
    * Try to have it up for friday

###### Announcements
* Is the Announcements up on Wolves Nanda
    * Try to have it up for friday

###### Poster?
Use the old one

#### Following Week - 08
##### Film?
* Matrix
* Terminator
* Suggestions needed

#### Following Week - 09
##### EGM

###### Wolves
* Is the Event up on Wolves Nanda
    * Try to have it up for next Wednesday

###### Announcements
* Is the Announcements up on Wolves Nanda
    * Try to have it up for next Wednesday

#### Following Week - 11
###### There is the Com Soc Birthday

* Need Cake
* Pizza is being helped by Aisling
* Probs a Monday
* Bring out the Picade 
* Pin the tail on wolfy 

#### End of Semester - 13
##### Show & Tell

###### Poster
* Done
* Thanks, Amy

###### Sponsorship
* Fuck
* NetApp ;?
  * Handled by Brendan

###### Advertising

### Skynet
Standing item section for Skynet stuff,
Technically could be part of Senior Sysadmin but that role isnt always filled

### Trips
#### Berlin
##### Form feedback

### Sponsorship

### AOB
Feck C++ - Anon1  
Feck Microsoft - Anon2