# Council ## Agenda (copied in from email, then later expanded out into headings) 1. Minutes & Apologies 2. Matters arising 2.1. C&S Vehicles 2.2. C&S Finances 3. Startups/Wind downs 4. Exec Updates 5. Open Letter Draft 6. Overseas Travel policy 7. Week 5 council policy 8. Ball Behaviour 9. Student Life Elections: ERB Nomination 10. Committee Virtual Networking – Computer Society 11. What's on your mind? ## Minutes ### Housekeeping – standing item History propose Lit 2nd ### Minutes and Apologies – standing item ### Matters arising – standing item #### C&S Vehicles Not too relevant for us. Feels like its mostly clubs that use it. 30k annually (danmmmm) It prob costs a few orders more if we were to use alternate methods of transport #### C&S Finances Paul will be in dropins next tuesday. ### Start-ups and wind-downs – standing item #### Startups #### Wind down ### Executive Updates - standing item New foreign trip form, proposals done with old ones are invalidated. (ask in office tomorrow what that means for our one) ### Whats on your mind? – standing item ### Open Letter Draft Draft done, sign next week ### Overseas Travel policy No oversees travel for new club/soc (or on probation) * Snowboarding 2x only existed for foreign trips Voting week 9 Plan is academic year (two semesters) ### Week 5 council policy Proposal to approve clubs/socs twice a year, in week 5 Idea is that it makes it easier to critically examine them Get mentors Show all the wind diwns (again) on week 5 mini c&s fir for new clubs/socs (in new building) ### Ball Behaviour Dont be drunk going in Dont have extra alcohol on ye. Senior uni officials will be there Next year will be in the Strand Everyone can get the bus home ### Student Life Elections: ERB Nomination Underwater Hockey committee member stepped forward for this ### Committee Virtual Networking – Computer Society *gulp* **AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA** ### AOB – standing item #### Pool use Clubs being asked to leave