# Council ## Agenda (copied in from email, then later expanded out into headings) 1. Minutes & Apologies 2. Matters arising 3. Startups/Wind downs 3.1. Golf club 3.2. AFL Club 3.3. International Society 4. Committee Support/Workshops/Training 5. Exec Updates 6. Awards 7. Social Media 8. Budget & Capacity 9. ~~Momentus~~ 10. Society Officer - Exec position election 11. What's on your mind? 12. AOB ## Minutes ### Housekeeping ### Minutes and Apologies History Proposed Games seconded ### Matters arising ### Start-ups and wind-downs – standing item #### Startups ##### Golf club * Seems to be mostly member/self funded, less impact on UL funding * Looking at sponsorship * Weekends mostly * Voted in ##### AFL Club * Aussie Rules (Football) Club * No obections to it from Computer * Teams in UCC/MTC Cork/Dublin and Galway as well * AFL != American Football * Voted in ##### International Society * Collab with them? * Minecraft server? * Automatic yes from us * Voted in #### Wind down * Feminist Soc ### Committee Support/Workshops/Training Lots of training will be on ### Executive Updates - standing item Networking night - Week 3 (will try and have the server/bot ready for then) #### Society Officer - Exec position election * Cuan * Connor Murry Conor declined, Cuán is new rep. ### Awards Most Improved? ### Social Media [Form link](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1S1OCnhPlBk1nYhcwLC5VoQDEqC0lDvg1dUG8a2L4Rzo/viewform?edit_requested=true) ### Budget & Capacity * Level of workload for office has shot up since Covid. * Use drop-ins * Budgets are final * No such thing as too much information * They dont have teh capicity to follow up ### ~~Momentus~~ ### Whats on your mind? SOP -> Standard Operating Procedure Medkit, in progress. Volleyball has issues with nets Crafts put in room bookings but no response so far (week+) We sidestepped it by using Student life Request for one treasuer workshop focused on Special Apps ### AOB Terrace 5th Feb, Envirosoc Quiz, 7pm Commuter Friendly events should be advertised Paul will be at the next council talking about the new building