# Ubuntu release party && Minecraft relaunch

| Date     | 2013/10/29     |
| Location | Scholars       |
| Time     | 19:00 to 21:00 |
| Type     |                |
| Lead     |                |

## Overview

## Promotion
### Facebook 

### Email
Hello fellow nerds,

As you might be aware, a new Ubuntu was release over the weekend, 13.10.
As is a running tradition with the computer society, we will be having a
release party to celebrate.

A release party will include a demo of the new operating system, giving
people ISO's or making bootable USB's and helping with installs and

If you wish to get a bootable USB, please bring one we can format and of
at least 1 Gb in size. See the facebook event for the details on time,
location etc.

Also, we're setting up for a relaunch of the minecraft server. There's a
few things to note here.

1. The current world is not being deleted and will be restored if needed.
2. The set up for the next world is up to you. Reply back to
andru183@skynet.ie if you have ideas on maps, mods or versions.
3. We're open to adventure maps if needs be. We can throw it for at an
agreed time for an agreed duration every week or when ever.
4. More than one can be set up.

For more details on both events, check the events on facebook;
Ubuntu release party: https://www.facebook.com/events/182866168568677/?ref=22

Minecraft relaunch: https://www.facebook.com/events/318199304984480/?ref=22

Andru Quinn

Dev Diary

Hi guys,

Just wanted to drop a line to remind everybody about the 13.10 release
party in The Scholars tonight. All are of course welcome and it's on from
19:00 to 21:00 but I'm sure a few ill stick around after that time.

More information for the event can be seen in these links;

G+: https://plus.google.com/u/1/events/c9dv9dtc3cfuau6mrf5767du87o

This would also be a chance for people to renew their memberships if needs
be. Also you can grab a live install of Ubuntu 13.10

Andru Quinn
Skynet co-PRO

Dev Diary

### Poster