## Attendance
### Present
* Morris
* Irene
* Eoghan
* Nanda
*  Brendan - Late due to public Transport issues
### Absent
* Max
* Sourabh
* Kaiden
* Leo -  Explained yesterday
* Samir - Explained at start time
## Minutes

### Event this week
#### 2024-02-14 - Valentines Day
* Video that Amie (member) suggested (https://youtu.be/ji5_MqicxSo?si=KQlRb7KO-wARvoql)
* Get an announcement done up for it
	* Maybe Kaiden
* Some people may not like it as it is more of a talk
	* Was quite enjoyable from a test viewing by a committee member

### Event next week (2024-02-21)
#### Morris - Open Street Maps (& maybe other open source apps?)
Will think about it over the weekend, finer details next week.

### PRO
Leo & Kaiden Absent
#### Logo 
##### Green & Black version
Good to see if it is possible to get it.

#### Merch
Hold over to next week for Leo

### Skynet Equipment
#### NetApp
Invoice sent off, no response yet.

#### C&S
No word since last meeting

### UCC Trip Progress
#### Bus tickets
* Get times and pricing for all legs of the trip. **DON'T BOOK YET**
* Ask the organisers if we can be that late
* Really need things to be finalised for this soon
* Could potentially be 2hrs late to the event from City Link time tables
	* Look up Bus Eireann

### Irish CTF team
Touched on in AOB
### Intervarsity CTF
Touched on in AOB
### Banking
#### Bank
* 2 admins needed to create user accounts.
* Will try call them again on Monday or Wednesday
#### Paypal
* Time ran away on Wednesday
* Brendan will try on Monday, if not will try on Tuesday
### Committee meeting
* Stay online

### AOB
#### Future technical events
* Treasurer - Running a Docker and K8 event (with help from Brendan, Hans and Milan?)
* President - Raspberry Pi event
	* Need to price these as we may need to provide kits
	* Maybe run it similar to kits in the past
	* Depend on Budget
		* Can subsidised which would be good for income and expenditure.
* Treasurer - Networking event (suggestion from C&S fair)
#### New channel to advertise stuff
* Head System Admin. - Might it be worthwhile to set this up to advertise things to members
* Treasurer - Spin this into the existing Internship one
	* Maybe best to keep it separate
#### Supermacs pizza offer (Papa John's)
* Maybe good to look into for a future event. 
#### C&S Council
* Eoghan & Nanda to attend 
* Ask if the attendees can be delegated out.
	* Brought up in C&S meetings in 22/23, check for status on this
#### Treasurer Workshops
* To be discussed at future meeting.
#### Missing committee members
* H&S wants to resign, has to email secretary
* Secretary - Brendan can talk to him on Tuesday
#### Equipment
* Head System admin. - Games dev. will be borrowing extension leads on a weekly basis (Tuesday & Thursday afternoons) for the semester. 
#### C&S fair 
* Talk to former Treasurer over invoice for C&S fair dated 14/Sep/2023 on what that is actually supposed to cover.
	* If it's to cover both drives, put in handover to **ONLY SEND AFTER SEM 2 DRIVE**