| Date     | 2014/02/24             |
| Location | Co-op Room 1 in the SU |
| Time     | 18:30                  |
| Type     |                        |
| Lead     |                        |

## Overview

## Promotion
### Facebook 

### Email
Hi All,

Due to the resignation of the society's treasurer, it is necessary to hold an EGM to elect a replacement.

This meeting will take place on Monday 24/02/2013 at 18:30 - the venue will be confirmed closer to the time.

Additional agenda items are welcome for this meeting. Please email any requests to compsoc@skynet.ie by 18:00 on 18/02/2013. The agenda will be circulated the following day.

As always, general meetings are your opportunity to have a say in the running of the society so please feel free to come along. We hope to organise some refreshments in the Scholar's afterwards.

Donal P. O'Brien
President, UL Computer Society

Donal P O'Brien, B.Eng.,Grad.Dip.,A.M.IChemE.
Chemical & Mechanical Engineer 

Hi All,

A reminder that we are holding an EGM tomorrow night at 18:30 in Co-op Room 1 in the SU.

The agenda is relatively short:
1.    Election of a Treasurer
2.    Election of additional Ordinary Committee Members
3.     AOB

If you are interested in any of the committee positions and would like to know more about them, feel free to pop me a mail or pm me on IRC.


Donal P O'Brien, B.Eng.,Grad.Dip.,A.M.IChemE.
Chemical & Mechanical Engineer 

### Poster