# Council
## Agenda
(copied in from email, then later expanded out into headings)

1. Minutes & Apologies
2. Matters arising
   * Startups
     * Pool Club
     * Anime and Manga Society
3. Committee Support/Workshops/Training
4. Executive Updates - standing item
   * C&S Finance: Open Letter to the University
   * Chairpersons Group Chat
5. Club Updates
6. Head of Student Engagement - Paul Lee
7. What’s on your mind?
8. AOB

## Minutes
### Housekeeping

### Minutes and Apologies

### Matters arising

### Start-ups and wind-downs – standing item
#### Startups
##### Pool
Have secured pool tables during a slot

History asking if its worth having a club  
They plan to enter competitions  

Got voted in, just about

##### A&M
Got 121/20 signatures

Aisling calling for folks to be respectful for folks preseting  

GSoc asked what events will eb done

EnviroSoc asked if a library will be bought  
Nope, use existing

History asking about Copyright  

_ asked about teh budget  
Low cost

Voted in with wide margin

#### Wind down

### Committee Support/Workshops/Training
_ wondering if gdpr training will be run again  
Not mandatory (at teh moment)  
Slides will be used as a resource doc

### Executive Updates - standing item

#### C&S Finance: Open Letter to the University
Forum post will be remaining open

(We plan to talk about it this evening in teh committee meeting)

History stated that tey are supporting for increased funding.  
There is some confusion between budget and funding

Table Tennis is asking if its a across all uni one

Its not that the funding has been cut but rather more folks in c&s and cost of living

#### Chairpersons Group Chat
Brendan joined the group chat

#### Networking evening
After next council meeting we will get free pizza and a room

5th of november, V for Vendetta  
Will be in red raisins

### Club Updates
Not too relevant for us

CTF may fall under it?

### Head of Student Engagement - Paul Lee
* Section 64???
  * The finances are frozen now
* History of facility development
* 19500 students now
  * UL Tea visits scotland
* November is hard hat tours

### AOB
* C&S merch dropin is at 12 tomorrow
* Asking for commuter friendly events